​Please contact our elder law firm for any questions regarding medicaid, asset protection planning, wills, trusts and probate.

Pam Bennett of Bennett Law, LLC is an Elder Care Lawyer helping clients with Medicaid Planning, Medicaid Planning, Wills, Trusts and Probate; servicing the Indianapolis, Greenfield, Pendleton, Fortville, New Castle, Rushville, Shelbyville, and Greenwood areas.

Copyright  © Bennett Law, LLC. All rights reserved. 

​Bennett Law, LLC is an Elder Law firm helping clients with Medicaid Planning, Medicaid Planning, Wills, Trusts and Probate; servicing the Indianapolis, Greenfield, Pendleton, Fortville, New Castle, Rushville, Shelbyville, and Greenwood areas.

Bennett Law, LLC is an Elder Law firm helping clients with Medicaid Planning, Medicaid asset protection Planning, Wills, Trusts and Probate; servicing the Indianapolis, Greenfield, Pendleton, Fortville, New Castle, Rushville, Shelbyville, and Greenwood areas. Our firm has an asset protection lawyer, elder law  lawyer,  and elder care attorney  helping clients with Medicaid Planning, Asset Protection, Wills, Trusts and Probate; servicing the Indianapolis, Greenfield, Pendleton, Fortville, New Castle, Rushville, Shelbyville, and Greenwood areas.


Asset Protection Planning 

Estate Planning




​​​​Bennett Law, LLC

Greenfield, Indiana 46140

​Reduced Hours:

​​(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by appointment only)


Should you need Immediate assistance, may I suggest that you locate an Elder Law Attorney in your city on the NAELA Website (National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc.)  www.naela.org/Web/Shared_Content/Directories/Find-a-Lawyer.aspx

What is an Elder Law Attorney and Why Do You Need One?

Whether you are just starting out or looking back on a life well lived, legal considerations cannot be avoided when dealing with estate planning or Medicaid eligibility.

But the law is complex.  A mountainous library of rules, regulations and codes make up our legal system.  But often one needs expert help to avoid unknowingly making a mistake.  Fortunately, there are experts, Elder Law Attorneys,  whose job it is to help avoid the pitfalls and confusion of estate planning and of Medicaid planning.

Elder Law attorneys can help with issues involving:​

  • Estate Planning
  • Disability Planning
  • Medicaid Planning
  • Appropriate Preservation and Transfer of Assets
  • Long Term Care Planning
  • Administration of Estates and Trusts
  • Probate Administration

Pam Bennett is an Elder Law attorney who has a passion for assisting individuals and families to navigate through the complicated estate planning or Medicaid planning process.  Having gone through the difficult process herself with her own parents several years ago, she prides herself on assisting her clients to understand the process with the goal to maximize benefits and protect estates, ultimately creating an estate or Medicaid plan tailored specifically to each client's needs and desires.

Contact us today and we will start the process of creating a plan to address your specific concerns and circumstances.